My daily food illustration challenge... completed! πŸ™Œ

Last week I completed my four weeks of daily food illustration! *dances around the room!* It feels great to have accomplished what was a time consuming but a truly satisfying challenge! I learnt that I can achieve a lot in short time period and also how to minimise stages of the illustration which I might normally ruminate over or simply not need to do and it reaffirmed how much I love illustrating food! It was also great to include Isle of Wight food businesses in the project, from my local chippy to tomato and green garlic pesto tartlets from the brilliant Feast of Food and Drink book by Jo Richardson.

I was inspired and bolstered by the brilliant challenge which my illustrator friend Fiona Clabon did in January, each day Fiona made one of her amazing paper cut collage illustrations and I thought it was amazing what she achieved and what a great way to kick start the new year! Fiona also very kindly gave me advice about how best to tackle a daily art challenge and for that i'm very grateful for as well.

In my previous blog post I was at the half way point in the challenge having done fourteen images and so now you can see the final two weeks of the challenge along with a montage of all the images!
If you've been following my progress I really hope you enjoyed it and I am planning on making it a regular part of my work to illustrate a meal I've made or something I've had out to grow my portfolio and because I really enjoy it. I will also be making some of the images into limited edition prints so look out for that too!

Finally thank you everyone who has suggested things for me to paint and spreading the word about the project! It meant a lot to me seeing some of the lovely comments :)

Bon AppΓ©tit!